Sedalia Missouri Open Checker Tournament Saturday, March 18th, 2006

at the Moose Lodge, 4950 Duke Road near Wal-Mart. Turn North off 50 Hwy, short distance, behind Applebee's Register 8:00AM  Play 9:00 Four rounds 3-move restriction.  Classes "Expert" and "A"  Chris Weiland and Richard Brownfield sponsors.


These One-Day Tournament are designed for the busy working players.  So make plans to attend, enjoy Checkers, and you don't kill your vacation/sick time or days off !

One Class - Round Robin
1  Wayne Miller - MO 12
2.3. Gayle Helterbrand - MO 11
2.3. Howard Steiner - MO   11
4 George Stallsworth - MO  10
5 Chris Weiland - MO 8
6 Wilma Wolverton - MO 8

Match was Round Robin, so no honor points.  Gayle Helterbrand and Howard
Steiner tied in their match with each other, so they had a true tie. Chris Weiland
won over Wilma Wolverton 3 points to one in their individual match.


2006 Tournament Dates  2005 Results